Saturday, August 21, 2010

My little sister

So my little sister (let's call her Sally, which is not her real name but I doubt she'd want her real name on here) knows about my food issues. She doesn't really understand them though, which is fine because many people don't. I talk to her about once a week, which is great because we used to fight all the time, so it's fantastic to finally have a good relationship with her :-) Yesterday I was talking to her, and we were talking about blogs. She has a blog, which is hysterical by the way (she is hilarious!!), and she blogs pretty much every day. I mentioned that I had 91 followers on my blog, and she was like, "Why can't I read your blog?" Well, I said something about that it was an ED recovery blog and I doubted she'd be interested. But she insisted that she did want to read it and she would be interested, so I gave her the link. So now my little sister is reading this blog... I think that's ok with me, as long as she doesn't share anything she reads with anyone else (especially our parents!!).

Another thing to mention about my sister is that even though she's 18, she does NOT want to hear me talk about sex. She doesn't want any advice and she doesn't want to hear about me having sex. Lol. So I told her that I sometimes talk about sex on this blog, and she was like WHY?? I said, well some people find it interesting, plus this is MY blog and I'm anonymous so I can basically talk about whatever I want. She thought that was very weird. I dunno, I always thought that talking about sex was completely normal... maybe that's just me though :)

Well, all that said, I love my little sister. She's completely amazing and I'm glad she's in my life. Since I've gone on Lexapro, I've realized how much I used to take for granted. My life is actually pretty good: I have a great boyfriend, a caring family, I go to a good college, I have a nice job, etc. I should be really grateful, and now I am. Sometimes I am so overwhelmed with gratitude that I just feel like hugging everyone! Silly, but I feel that way sometimes ;-) Yesterday on the phone, I wished my sister was there so I could give her a big hug! But unfortunately, she's in Oregon and I'm in Wisconsin... sad.

Well, I gots to shower... my boyfriend's family and I are going to his cousin's wedding this afternoon, but it's four hours away so we have to leave soon. I don't really want to go (I would rather be going back to school like everyone else is today!) but obviously I don't have much of a choice. Hopefully the food will be good at least! I hope everyone's weekends go splendidly!! Stay strong lovies <3


  1. I'm glad you're feeling better. It's nice to hear someone say their life is actuall pretty good and you can recognize what you have :) being positive is ood

    stay strong and I hope the feeling stays!!!

  2. HI Liz's little sister! XD

    Lol, she wouldn't want to go near my blog! ALTHOUGH I affix the 'TMI' label to anything scatological or explicit :p Poor littlw dear would have a heart attack!

    I'll flick you an email :D GIMMEH TEH RECIPIEEE!!


  3. I totally talk about sex on my LJ... :P
