Tuesday, June 14, 2011


Hey guys! Guess what?? I got a job! It's at the science museum that I used to work at. I quit that job to work at a mental health clinic last summer, but now I have it again! I used to be an assistant teacher for the summer classes (for kids ages 5 to 14, separated into classes by grade), but now I will be watching the kids after the classes end and helping out as needed during the second half of the day. So my shift is 12 pm to 6 pm. That means 30 hours per week at about $9.50 per hour (I'm guessing on this, since I haven't been offered a specific salary yet). I haven't officially been offered the job yet, but that's because I was only interviewed yesterday and my boss has to submit the paperwork to Human Resources. By the end of the week, I should know my schedule! The classes are each a week long, so it's different kids every week. I didn't originally get the job, because I kinda sucked at it last time, but someone backed out at the last minute so my boss needed someone who was already trained. So that's me! Classes officially start next week. So YAY!! I'm excited to make some money and get more experience working with kids.

The only thing about having a job is that a) I will have less time to bum around the house (i.e. do research for my thesis, watch a ton of TV, knit a lot), and b) I can't go to my pilates class anymore! The class is at noon, and I have to be at work at noon. Poo. I'm sad about that. But whatever, I'll survive.

Finally, I got an email from a researcher who is doing a study on pro-ana bloggers. She asked that I forward the info to other bloggers that might be interested, so here it is: 

My name is Daphna Yeshua-Katz and I am a graduate student in the Department of Telecommunications at Indiana University. I have read your blog and would like to invite you to participate in my study about pro-ana bloggers. I am very interested in learning about your motivations for publishing your blog, as well as the benefits the blog may provide to both you and your readers.
Ideally, the interview would take place over the phone or via Skype. However, if you don’t feel comfortable with either of these approaches, I would be happy to send my questions to you via email. I can schedule the interview at convenient day and time for you. Whichever method you choose, please know that your identity will be kept anonymous and your answers will stay strictly confidential. 
You are also welcome to ask me any questions about the study at any time. You can contact me by email at dyeshuak@indiana.edu, phone +1- 812-3204517. In the meantime, you can learn more about me here:  http://www.indiana.edu/~telecom/people/grads/dyeshuak.shtml . I hope to hear from you soon.
Best regards,
Daphna Yeshua-Katz
P.S. If you know more pro-ana bloggers that would be interested in participating in this study please feel free to forward them this invitation.

If you're interested, contact her! I'm participating, and it should be fun! I love studies. I think that's the psychology major in me talking, lol. 
Well, I'm off. I have my first appointment with my new therapist in about two hours. I'll post tomorrow to let you know how it went!
Love you all <3

1 comment:

  1. Good luck with the new/re-received job =]
    I want to go into psychology as well, The human mind is fascinating!
